Safe Teens Online is excited to invite our newest school partner, Mount Litera Zee School, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu India to the global effort in educating teens on cyber safety related risks and opportunities. 

In 2020, as COVID ravaged the world, workplaces, schools, and almost every other congregation of people was forced to go find socially distanced methods to stay connected. That meant going 100% digital for a vast swath of the world. 

Our zoom game got sharper, our TV time, work time, school time and hanging out with friends and family time, all melded into one, even as our sense of physical space became restricted to the confines of home. Within that, a remarkable human spirit came through. Teachers found ways to stay connected to their students, engaging them with games, and a new set of daily digital homeroom rituals. Students discovered the best way to stay focused on schoolwork despite the ever-present distractions of being at home. 

All this newness also meant taking the occasional security breaches of online classroom / tools in stride. Some classrooms were hacked, inappropriate content was shown to students. Forgotten passwords took on a whole new meaning and magnitude.  In parallel, the world has seen an increase in social dissatisfaction, lack of trust and a clarion call to decentralization. Students will become familiar with changes in the technology landscape through project-based learning and activities. They will have opportunities to share their unique perspectives with peers and bring the voice of the users to companies, government authorities, educators and other stakeholders around the world. 

We congratulate the Mount Litera Zee School for their boldness and vision in inviting their students to engage in cutting edge topics and thought leadership. Mr. CKG Raj and Principal Shankaran, through able faculty advisor Ms. Zeenath Nazreen are leading the charge as they work closely with student leaders to roll out the program. We are excited to be part of the Mount Litera students’ digital citizenship journey.


-Safe Teens Online team