Anya Pulluru
Neuqua Valley High School
Naperville, Illinois.
Anya Pulluru is a senior at Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois. Over the course of her high school, she has discovered her passion for the social sciences and hopes to matriculate into Law School in the future. She has explored the legal field through her school’s Youth and Government club and has won numerous awards for her writing and arguments. This culminated in her placing first in State this year for her bench memo, first place overall in Illinois State Youth in Government competition. After being elected by her peers to serve on the statewide steering committee, she worked to improve the Youth and Government program for other students. She has also pursued her interests by interning with a congressman, working on creating a proposal for teen mental health awareness.
Outside of school, Anya loves to dance and has been dancing since she was four, on a competitive league dance team and most recently on the Varsity Dance Team for her school, going to state competition for two years. She also expresses her love for dance by teaching dance to young children and relishes working with kids, creating choreography.
Anya joined SafeTeensOnline because it ties her strength in advocacy with her desire to help kids and teens navigate the internet safely. She hopes to help strengthen and grow the platform to enable young people to learn cybersecurity and digital safety. In this role and her future work, she is also looking to further legal advocacy to enable awareness of digital safety.