Simon Li
Princeton High School
New Jersey
I’m Simon Li, the graduating class of 2021 at Princeton High School in New Jersey. I’ve spent many hours, and hours, and hours, and even more hours practicing the piano. But I love music, so it’s not work. I’m also trying to understand how computer science can help environmental issues like the dead spots that are growing in the ocean. They just found another the size of Florida! I want to make these dead zones alive again. Computer science may hold the key to saving the planet; by programming a protocell that could add oxygen to the ocean. For online safety, I have my own experience of that. In China, there’s a very similar app to Facebook called Wechat. One neat function of Wechat is Wechat Pay, which allows people to send money online. But this wasn’t so cool for me, and my experience was terrible, so I want to raise everyone’s awareness of online safety, so you won’t have to experience what I did.